Special Events Permits

ParadeThe City of Mill Creek requires a special event permit for any event that occurs upon public or private property that will affect the standard and ordinary use of public streets, rights-of-way, or sidewalks, and/or which requires extraordinary levels of City services.    

Special Event Criteria: 
Special Events may include, but are not limited to, fun runs, races on foot, bicycle, or roller-skates, other athletic events, fundraising events, auctions, bike-a-thons, parades, carnivals, shows or exhibitions, filmmaking, circuses, block parties, and fairs. These also include: 

• Events expecting more than 50 people gathering in a park or other public place 
• Events expecting to have a substantial impact on such park, road, or other public place 
• Events that will be charging an entry fee, using sponsors or will rent booths 
• Events held on public streets, sidewalks, walkways or other areas that interfere with regular vehicular or pedestrian traffic or require the use of City Services 

Please fill out the Special Event Permit (PDF) and submit 90 days before your event. This application must include your Traffic Control Plan (TCP). Permits will not be reviewed until application fees have been paid.  Before a Special Event permit can be approved, the following must be received
- Provide a traffic control plan, including a description of how you will regulate traffic to avoid these areas.
- Provide copies of brochures, posters or mailings advertising this event.
- Provide proof of insurance with endorsement.

Special Event Permit Process
• Review the special event guidelines & fees 
• Complete the Special Event Permit application and submit it along with fees (including TCP) to [email protected].
• Application review 
• If approved, the Permit will be issued and the event added to City Calendar.