Volunteer for Park & Recreation Board

Volunteer for Park & Recreation Board
Posted on 03/02/2021
Heron Park

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Mill Creek is seeking a volunteer to fill one vacancy on the Park & Recreation Board. The position was vacated by a resignation with the term expiring on October 31, 2021.  Park & Recreation Board meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month at 5:00 p.m.

The Park and Recreation Board serves as an advisory board to the City Council and the administrative staff concerning the following matters:

  • Acquisition of park and recreation facilities.
  • Development, design, and operation of park and recreation programming and facilities.
  • Facility use fees and procedures.
  • Park, playfield, and facility design.
  • Capital improvement planning.
  • Concessions.
  • Contracts, inter-local agreements and lease agreements regarding park and recreation activities.
  • Recommended annual budget for the acquisition, development, and operation of park and recreation facilities and programs.

Those interested in serving on the board may submit their name for consideration by close of business on Monday, March 15, 2021. Submissions may be received online at www.cityofmillcreek.com/boardapplication or email Kristen Rasmussen at kristenr@cityofmillcreek.com