Dept. of Agriculture Grant open April 9-26

Department of Agriculture Relief and Recovery grant window opens April 9
The WSDA Relief and Recovery grants are available thanks to a partnership with the Washington State Department of Commerce. Grants of approximately $15,000 are available for small businesses in four sectors:
- Shellfish growers
- Farmers market organizations
- Agritourism farms
- Small breweries, cideries, wineries, and distilleries (dependent upon tap or tasting room sales).
These four sectors were selected for assistance as a way to bolster the health and diversity of the Washington state economy by providing support to disproportionately impacted and previously underserved agricultural sectors. The grant program opens Apr. 9 and runs through Apr. 26.
WSDA will provide nearly $15 million in small business assistance grants to help agriculture businesses and organizations in sectors that have been economically hurt due to marketplace disruptions created by the necessary public health measures during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Visit for more information or to apply. For additional grant opportunities, visit here.