2020 Storm Water Management Plan

2020 Storm Water Management Plan – Inviting Public Comment
Posted on 09/25/2020

MILL CREEK, Wash. – The City of Mill Creek has released the draft of the 2020 Storm Water Management Plan. The City has made the plan available on its website, and is requesting public comment at this time.

Mill Creek's Surface Water Utility operates under a permit issued by the Washington State Department of Ecology called the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase 2 municipal storm water permit. The NPDES permit is primarily based on the Federal Clean Water Act, but also on the Endangered Species Act for protection of salmon habitat.

The City Storm Water Management Plan describes the actions the City, businesses and homeowners must take to preserve and enhance the environment as it is affected by storm water. The plan covers a range of required activities, including inspection and maintenance of catch basins, detention ponds, storm water vaults, and the piping that connects them to convey surface water into North Creek and eventually Puget Sound.

One of the permit requirements is to post the city's Surface Water Management Program (SWMP) document and the Annual Report for public review. The Draft 2020 plan is available here: https://cityofmillcreek.com/cms/One.aspx?portalId=9100937&pageId=10778341

The public is invited to review the 2020 Draft Plan and send comments to stormwater@cityofmillcreek.com.